This one page typewritten document, found among the minutes of the General Assembly of MEFESZ in the Várallyay Collection, is a particularly valuable source. It contains a number of funny and bizarre statements, errors in speeches made by student representatives (unfortunately only in Hungarian, as they cannot be translated properly into other languages, given their dubious allusions, erotic connotations, and strange grammar. Still the atmosphere of the passionate debates and the students’ sense of humour, together with a reflexive irony, are all well reflected in these funny remarks. What is notable is that student speakers not only make (consciously or unconsciously) rhetorical mistakes, but they also find these mistakes funny and well worth recording and collecting as part of the movement’s self-documentation. The style and spirit of these odd statements all remind one of the free and endless public debates during the Hungarian revolution of 1956, with their often sarcastic and absurd sense of humour, which helped people forge collective decisions and survive hard times.
Budapest Dohány utca 74, Hungary 1074
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