filtry ˆ

Returnarea manuscriselor confiscate de Securitate lui Paul Goma


Rok zahájení události

  • 2005

Autoři této stránky

  • Petrescu, Cristina

Významná událost

Seznam odkazů

ACNSAS, Informative Fonds, File I 2217.
OSA/RFE Archives, Romanian Fond, 300/60/5/Box 6, File Dissidents: Paul Goma.
Goma, Paul. 2005. Culoarea curcubeului ‘77: Cutremurul oamenilor. Cod “Bărbosul:” Din dosarele Securităţii, 1957-1977 (The colour of the rainbow 1977: The earthquake of people. Code-name “Bearded Man:” From the files of the Securitate, 1957-1977). Iaşi: Polirom.

Petrescu, Dragoș, interview by Pătrăşconiu, Cristian Valeriu , November 15, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2019-01-15 15:09:00